Monday 14 November 2011

Soap opera trailers Qustionaire

I created a questionaire to ask to 10 people from different age groups and different demographic groups so that I could get a clearer understanding of what the audience expect to see in a trailer so that I could learn what to include in our groups trailer and to fully understand conventions the audience expect to see.

Below is the Questions that I asked the candidates;

1) What age are you?

2) What do you look for in a trailer?

3) What time would you expect to see a trailer?

4) What kind of lighting do you expect to see?

5) How long do you expect a trailer to be?

6) Do you expect to see alot of dialogue during the trailer?

7) Do you expect to see alot of words used in the trailer (titles) or not?

8) Do you expect the sound in the trailer to be high pitch or low pitch?

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