Thursday 24 November 2011

Filming Schedule

We are getting the camera on the 1st of December and we will have it until the 5th.
The first of December is a Thursday so we felt this would be a good day to film our university location so we needed to check with or actors whether this day is ok for them to film on.
This leaves us  Friday Saturday and Sunday to film the rest of our piece.
On the Friday we will film the establishing shot of Chelmsford town during the day and we also need a shot at night so we will film this on the friday night as it will be busy and give us the correct atmosphere that we need.
On the Saturday or the Sunday we will film the remaining parts of our soap opera trailer depending on which day is best suitable for our actors.
This schedule gives us alot of time to do the filming that is needed to be done and also gives us time on the Monday to see if something was not done well enough to return to the location and film it again.

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