Tuesday 24 January 2012

Feedback for Second Rough Cut

As a class we viewed each others initial rough cuts and took feeback from them.  Having made improvements and changes to our films, we all watched the second cuts of the films. We have again been improvements and positives on our work.

Piglet Productions:


By losing a character the story has become more relevant and easier to follow.
Flashing images are good
Montage is good

Things to be improved:

One zoom can be seen as wobbly
Find music permission

Panda Productions:

Storyline makes more sense due to the changing order of the scene
Start adds the "fun" factor
The speed of pictures is good

Things that can be improved:
Titles/Times/Dates need to be added
Music at end should start earlier
Shot duration canges throughout

Leopard Productions:

The storyline becomes clearer
The montage adds a different feel to the piece
Editing makes it run smoother

Things that could be improved:
Can the music be changed due to copyright
Credits/Titles needs to be added

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