Thursday, 10 November 2011

Plot and Narrative Work

To achieve the best results of our trailer we need to think about the plot that will run, and what affect this has on the audience and how they think of our soap and what characters come across as.

The plot:

The plot of our trailer is centered around University interviews. Two interviews are shown with flashbacks to what the characters are really like when they are not being viewed and scrutinised by adults. The two characters are shown to be popular boys, one of their friends doesn't make it to the interviews so they call him to remind him. This introduces another character who clearly doesn't care about his future. These three main characters that you meet set the tone for the Soap opera.

Our soap will have story lines which will introduce new characters and situations. The characters involved will spread to lecturers, family members and other friends outside of the university life. This will enable new points of views which will enable a larger group of people to be attracted to the soap due to people being able to relate to them, whether it is a student or a parent going through the same issues.


The narrative of this piece is done to introduce characters in a none verbal straight forward way. We are introducing the two interviewees in a subtle way to show what they are like when they go out and what they enjoy, whereas we show the "college drop out" type character in a more full on way as this fits in with the stereotypical view that kind of person.

We have used the flashbacks as foreshadowing or what is going to happen to the characters later on in the soap, with the reckless behaviour having downsides. This soap will show the coming of age of people and them growing out of their stereotypical university life style and into mature people.

We are using a university in our opening scenes to show what age the characters are and what is happening in their life at the time that the soap is starting.

I have researched into university life and how things are run on campus. I have found videos showing the things that students get up to, this video highlights some of the issues that we would raise in our soap:

Will Howlett

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