Thursday, 13 October 2011


To make sure we are organised to start filming we need to list all of the props that we could possibly need, this way we will have no surprises when we are in the middle of filming and then we could get our filming completed quickly and efficiently. I am going to find pictures of ideal props we would like to use and find the closest alternative that we can use in our piece.

Props we would need:
We would need this table for the interview scenes, we would re use the same one in both to show that the interviews are taking place in the same place as each other. There will be a shot of two of our characters sitting at a table beause this is a stereotypical object that would be involved in an interview.

We would use these chairs when showing the interviews, we would need to use chairs that are stereotypically used in schools or places of education. Again there will be two shots of this prop during the interview part of our trailer.

Mobile Phone
We need an old mobile phone with a large screen to show the text that the character receives. The phone would need to be an old phone to fit in with the characters profile. We are using a mobile phone beause these are seen as 'new media' and used by most teenagers so using a phone would create verisimilartude towards the audience. This prop would be held by one of our characters at the end of the trailer and will have the title and time shown of the soap.

Sheets of paper
We will be using stacks of paper to look as if they are information surrounding the interviews. These papers would be in a pile on the desk to keep to verisimilitude because we wanted to make the office look as realistic as possible for the interview scenes.


As our piece involved student life we want to show one or more characters either smoking or holding cigarettes, this would be to create verisimilitude in this age group. Smoking is seen to be a rebelious thing to do so by having one of our characters (the laid back one) smoking it will show that this character is rebelious and will reflect his attitude towards the audience.


One scene of our piece is going to be shot on a night on the town, we would need some beer for our characters to hold to create verisimilitude.

We would need to shoot the back of a television with a character behind it, this will be used to show tho average activities that people of this age engage in.

We would like to use a sofa or another piece of furniture to have a character sitting on. This furniture would need to look used and homely and not a new buy as the stereotypical view of students are they are poor.

By organising what props we need it shall be easier to find what items we need and will make our time filming more effective.

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