Wednesday 5 October 2011

Draft script

Our initial ideas for our film involves minimal talking, this is due to different factors which we decided would make our film look less professional. With the use of minimal conversation the focus is on the action and the feeling of the soap. A large reason for our decision is the lack of actors which would be able to handle a role with lots of dialogue.

Our piece involves a scene with an interview.

First Interview:

Interviewer: What do you like to do in your spare time?

Interviewee: Well a usual day for me consists of studying and reading.

Second interview:

Interviewer: What do you think you would bring to this course?

Interviewee: I think i would bring a bit of excitement and added intellect to the course.

Scene Outside:

First interviewee: alright mate how was yours?

Second interviewee: Yeah, lied my way through that i think

First interviewee: Same, wheres lee?

Second interviewee: I will call him.

Will Howlett

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