Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Final Magazine

This is my Final Magazine cover:

Publication 3

I have made improvements to it by making the magazine title more apparant and allowing more storylines to come to the forefront to entice more people into viewing our soap.

Will Howlett

Magazine Draft 2

This is our Second Magazine Draft:

Magazine Draft 3

I have made many improvements on the initial draft, this is too make the magazine more eye catching.

To improve on this draft I need to add more details to the left third and allow for more colour and storylines to be apparant.

Will Howlett

Magazine Draft 1

This is our Magazine draft 1.

Magazine Draft 2

We have used this draft as a basis to work off so all other draft in front of it will be improved upon.

Will Howlett

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Target audience Brief

After writing up the initial ideas that our group had for our soap opera trailer I needed to now think about the target audience the content included in our soap would be aimed towards.

The succesful recognition of a Target Audience allows a producer to focus a product on something that is pre-determined. This provides the media product with maximum oportunity to be succesful if done well. With this in mind we had to discuss a Target Audience and research into soap.
A very obvious Target Audience for our soap opera would be for teenagers because of the amount of verisimilartude that would be used towards this age group, teenagers would be able to relate their own lives to the events that would occur in the soap. The gender that our soap would be aimed towards will vary from episode as like in the TV Drama Skins the episodes switch to stories for the different characters whether male or female, so within our soap the storylines would change from stereotypical problems that teenage girls have to stereotypical problems of teenage boys so the target audience gender would be aimed towards both male and female.
The demographic groupings that our soap opera would be aimed towards would be lower ones such as C,D and E. This is also because of the use of stereotypical verisimilartude towards these lower groups such as location being in a town and problems with such things as drugs and money that the characters will encounter in the soap.
I needed to think of how I would be able to advertise my soap to the correct Target Audience to ensure that they see it so I created a questionaire that I filmed asking 10 teenagers (as this had already been decided is the main audience we are going for) such questions as what magazines they read and even what websites they go on. I did this so that I could find out popular hobbies of people in the Target Audience our group is aiming for so that I can advertise the soap in these places to ensure a large amount of the audience we are aiming for see's the soap being advertised.

The questions I asked were;
Do you read any magazines? If so which ones?
Do you have a favourite website that you visit often?
What is your favourite TV programme?
Whats your favourite TV channel?

Below is the video footage of 5 people we asked the questionaire too;

The results that I obtained from this questionaire were very helpful. They gave us alot of information on what hobbies our Target Audience have which let us know more about where to advertise the soap opera to ensure it is noticed by the correct audience that we want.

Below are the answers that we obtained through the questionaire;

Do you read any magazines?
Many of the answers we obtained about magazines were such ones as NME or Kerrang , these types of magazines are music related and obviously very popular with the teenage age group so advertising our soap in magazines such as these would be a good idea when wanting to ensure the correct Target Audience watches the advert.

Do you have a favourite website that you visit often?
With this question almost everyone interviewed answered 'Facebook' so it is clear that a large number of our Target Audience for our Soap use this site so to advertise here would be effective when trying to attract teenagers, Facebook is also very popular with all age ranges so advertising our soap on this website would be very effective.

What is your favourite TV programme?
Alot of the answers for this question were such shows as Misfits, Skins and The Inbetweeners. This shows that the people who we interviewed were interested in shows which our Soap opera can relate both storyline and characterwise with so the results we obtained from this questionaire would help us to advertise to the correct Target Audience. These results also show me which programmes it would be most effective to advertise during the breaks or just after of.

What is your favourite TV channel?
By asking this question it would help me to think about which channels I could advertise our Soap Opera on so that it is most effective to attract our Target Audience. With this question, once again there was a clear answer the most popular channel said was E4. This is the channel which shows the programmes such as Misfits and Skins which are what our Soap Opera can relate to the most so if we could advertise our Soap Opera on this channel it would be very effective preferably just after or during the break of either Skins or Misfits.

So from finding out these results I have found out the best places to advertise my Soap to attract my Target Audience, these places are;

Music Magazines (NME, Kerrang)


Channel E4

Just after or During the Channels Skins or Misfits.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Equipment Used

Will Howlett

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Feedback for Second Rough Cut

As a class we viewed each others initial rough cuts and took feeback from them.  Having made improvements and changes to our films, we all watched the second cuts of the films. We have again been improvements and positives on our work.

Piglet Productions:


By losing a character the story has become more relevant and easier to follow.
Flashing images are good
Montage is good

Things to be improved:

One zoom can be seen as wobbly
Find music permission

Panda Productions:

Storyline makes more sense due to the changing order of the scene
Start adds the "fun" factor
The speed of pictures is good

Things that can be improved:
Titles/Times/Dates need to be added
Music at end should start earlier
Shot duration canges throughout

Leopard Productions:

The storyline becomes clearer
The montage adds a different feel to the piece
Editing makes it run smoother

Things that could be improved:
Can the music be changed due to copyright
Credits/Titles needs to be added

Soap Opera - Rough poster - 1

This is our first rough poster idea

Poster 1

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Feedback For First Rough Cut

As a class we have all viewed each others rough cuts and given each group feedback on their work. This will allow each group to receive outside ideas and receive different ideas on how to improve and what about your work that people enjoyed.

Here is the feedback received from other groups:


  • Pictures are good/ unique and help to explain he story well.
  • Can imagine the voice over being very good/ fitting well.
  • Music is good and fits well with the piece.

Things that can be improved:

  • Feels more like an episode opening then a trailer.
  • Titles, Channels and Times missing.
  • Rearrange to make the meaning clearer.



  • Great idea- relates to young people of our age.
  • Pictures are good- like hangover- Day to night good too.
  • Actors are good, believable characters
  • Different to all other groups.
Things that can be improved:

  • Sounds all different and levels (Wind for example)
  • Are the songs allowed?
  • None continuous
  • Add text to make is easier to follow

  • It has different content
  • Good use of lighting

Things that could be improved:
  • Need to look at the sounds being continuous.

From this feedback we have been able to work out what issues we need to change in our second rough cut.

What we will change:
From this feedback we have realised that the meaning isn't clear throughout our piece and we will have to rearrange scenes and characters to make the meaning more apparent.

Will Howlett

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Final Film: Rough Cut

We have chosen to upload our rough cut to youtube, this will allow us to receive feed back from our class as well as comparing our progress against other groups.

Will Howlett

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


In our piece we need to think about lighting very strongly. This is due to the type of message which we are portraying across to the audience.

We will make sure our trailer has a variety of different lighting. We will use the contrast of high level and low level lighting to show the mood in each scene. We need to make sure that each one of our shots use natural lighting as it gives the sense of real life which we are trying to portray in our piece.

In areas our piece is shot at night so the clip will only be lit by street light. This is twinned with a flashback which is also dark to show both the difference in time and to give the view that things change at night. This is another idea that our piece is based around.
We want to have the day time shots with high level lighting, this connotes innocence and trust. This is contrasting to the feelings commonly found in low level lighting which gives a sense of mystery and deceit.

During the interview scenes, we want the lighting to be high level. This will give the view of intelligence and the people being trustworthy, this contrasts with the low level lighting found in the drinking scenes. This contrast shows the difference between the social life and times of study with people in university.

Drinking Scene: During the drinking scene there will be dark lighting, this will signify that it is night to the audience. Also through using darkness we submit a feel of rebellion upon our audience.

Outside University Shot: For the shot outside of the university there will only be use of natural lighting. This will show the audience that this scene is happening during the day.

Sam waking up Scene: For this scene the use of natural lighting will be used to shine through the curtains that this character will have closed. This will signify to the audience that this character is lazy as the day time light is shining through the room and the character is still asleep.